Michael Tuttle
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gallery thumbnail UM TrailClusterData
This asset generate cluster for trails. Video goes through setup. It have option for wedging. each object must have id for wedge to work. Hope ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail UM FollowPaths
Asset that will follow path with interpolated frames as transformations are generated from spline in chop network (chop follow path node). Its handy as it ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail UM_NegateTransforms
This asset have few methods to generate orientation and transformation from animated object, sets geometry to world center and after user editing, set geometry back ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail UM_PushSplineCollision
This asset push spline outside of collision geometry. It have option to push outside of geometry or VDBs or both. Keep in mind that you ... [more]
$ 0.00