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Newest Assets

gallery thumbnail Kino.P5InH
An experimental and fun to use asset which mimics a VEX environment similar to the creative coding framework Processing. Using the object "p5" and setup/draw ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Kino.mPointCloudSkinner
Meshes(skins) a pointcloud but at the same time keeps the original points. Can produce normals for pointclouds if needed (using the excellent method mentioned on ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Kino.mImageExtruder
All sorts of extrusions from maps. Supports Color, Extrusion and Scatter maps, in File and in COP mode. There's 3 mode you can use: Plane, ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Kino.mVoxelizer
The asset makes a voxel representation of the input geo You can output different phases of the process to check for changes and there's a ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00

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