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In addition, we also keep track of requests for assets and make them available to our community of authors. Here are some matching requests that you can vote for or comment on.
Asset Requests
Just a typical quadruped dragon model that can be animated. If you want to go the extra mile scaling properties for the neck wings tail, etc. would be nice. Also, I don't know it this can be done, but if someone could create a way to choose overall muscle and bulk values like in DAZ Studio, that would be exceptional.
hello, how can i solve this problem with this page showing? eyeg
Please, someone make an asset to up-res an Flip simulation, in total, or in defined bbox areas. Thanks!
Toolset for 1) creating virtual HDR Lightsetups similar to the Hdrlightstudio and 2) a smart asset for an HDR workflow, like SPI "localized HDR Lighting" (which is the extraction of very light areas of an HDR Image including the possibilty to position these extracted area lights localized in 3D scene) A smart asset solution could enhance and add to the classical HDR workflow.
I am looking for a tool that can roll and unroll an surface like a roll of paper
I would like to have an asset to measure the world space between any two points. You should be able to toggle between inches, feet, meters etc. with a simple dropdown. Helps me gauge real world size. It could work very similarly to mayas distance tool.
an autorig for the typical issues encountered in a bird rig asset, flexible enough to cover hummingbirds and ostriches. Slots for manually modeled flight feathers, IK/FK head and neck with manully determined number of control points, wing open/close poses that can be then tweaked so that they fit in pose.