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In addition, we also keep track of requests for assets and make them available to our community of authors. Here are some matching requests that you can vote for or comment on.
Asset Requests
It is very common to see many TDs trying to optimize their collision meshes. Most people and new users tends to use only the Shelf tools to make collision geo, but in most cases the default settings are not enough either the SDF wont have enough res or wont cover the geo etc, Then we go the VDB way convert to VDB add the fields, connect it to the solver etc. Change the Volume to -1 all the other stuff. What I am suggesting is to have a Tool that outputs an accurate representation of the Collision Geometry that would work on whatever solver is requesting it. With easy way to visualize it.
I would like to import molecular format. http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/annotation
It would be great to have some prebuilt tools for motion graphics. Something like MoGraph in Cinema4D but on steroids.
Volume deformation tools, hope for faster volume deformation, such as RBF,Deform the trailing smoke onto the motion path
I'm sure many people have seen the cool work done by Freek Hoekstra and Mark Knoop ( source http://freekhoekstra.blogspot.co.at/2013/04/housebuilding-creator-toolset-demo.html ) - would really like to see this kind of asset on Orbolt.com An asset where you have a basic polygon shape, defining the outer walls, with windows, inner walls and the furniture (all of course tweak-able and fully procedural).
The compact car HDA seems more functional than the older vehicle rig HDA, however it would be good if this asset was converted into a more versatile one, easy to apply to any car model.
Procedurally generate characters using tools similar to those found in The Sims, Saint's Row, makehuman.org and Mixamo's new "Fuse". Body types can be generated by blending in different attributes, like sex, height, muscle & fat. Face structure can be customized using attributes like mouth width, eye spacing, forehead height, etc. However, customization tools can go beyond this by utilizing many of Houdini's built in tools. Skeleton & generated mesh can be exported in formats that are compatable with packages and services like Unity or Maya. Examples MakeHuman (open source) http://makehuman.org SIMS - character creation walkthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPE00whn2VI Mixamo's FUSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSLe5_CQ9os