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In addition, we also keep track of requests for assets and make them available to our community of authors. Here are some matching requests that you can vote for or comment on.
Asset Requests
Need An Airplane Cockpit For Free
An asset to create a layer of snow on any object would be great. From thin to thick, dry or wet any type of snow.
Ice crystals and other crystals that can grow procedurally.
A procedural paint assets where you can paint brush strokes on surfaces or in the viewport that generate geometry based on preset settings. This can be used to make trees on ground, flowers, grass, hair, buildings or whatever you like. The idea is that the asset comes with a couple of good presets with customizable attributes but it should also be easy to create your own presets and share it with the community.
Rain, snow, fog and dust with some optional collisions could be really handy...
glass cup
I'm looking for an asset which is able to model the mixing of particles, each with different assignable interaction parameters and density.