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In addition, we also keep track of requests for assets and make them available to our community of authors. Here are some matching requests that you can vote for or comment on.
Asset Requests
Not sure what is going on but I keep getting a node failed to cook error on it. Really not sure how to get this to work. Tried latest version, and then even tried downgrading to 18.5.696. https://www.orbolt.com/asset/LuckyPause::dunesetup
physics painter
I need an Asset to creates underwater bubbles based on pyro simulations here is the example: https://vimeo.com/80782713
If anyone got one of this assets im up to buy it, i need it to generate my city roads and city plots
Need a pair of "Tank Wheels" for free, to be used for rover-alike model.
An asset that enables you to insert different values for parameters, and then it creates a playblast using them, which is them combined into one file. A good example is something like Pyro or Fluid settings, as you could look develop different values, and then see the results all at once in one video file.
Upgrade Houdini file from non commercial file to commercial version.. I guess very clear what it is supposed to do isn it? Yes, its a really a pity, why isn it notpossible or you have to use so much tricks? And what about people who start using a non commercial version and whoare switching after? Such time lost indeed... Looking forward your suggestion and opinion, cheers bout.de.lune@gmail.com