Pavel Geraskin

Write me if you need.

Pavel Geraskin has uploaded version 4 of Unbevel V2

some improvements at vop

11 Jul
Pavel Geraskin has uploaded version 7 of Uv layout plus

Fix for nonuniform uv shells

26 Jun
Pavel Geraskin has uploaded version 4 of Attribute Copy Topology

fix for split edges

25 Jun
Pavel Geraskin has uploaded version 6 of Uv layout plus

Group is added.

25 Jun
Pavel Geraskin has uploaded version 6 of Edit Radial Falloff

Fix. Now Transformer has PivotRotate

24 Jun

Newest Assets

gallery thumbnail Symmetry Extrude v1
This is a simple modification of H15 extrude tool. To allow extrude operation with symmetry XYZ. Very useful for polygonal modeling. This feature is just ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail UV Grid
This a UV tool which aligns grid based UVs. This just like in Modo/Blender UV toolsets. Some limitations: UV island must be grid based (rows ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Spread Edges
This a modeling asset to spread edge loops smoothly/uniformly. Just like in modo/blender. Very useful for modeling. Important: Houdini 15.5+ Edit Node has now such ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Make circle
This is a modeling tool to make a circle just like in modo/blender. Very useful for modeling. Select polygons and make a circle. TODO: - ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Flamethrower
A dynamic flamethrower powered by Houdini's Pyro FX 2. Includes simple flamethrower reference geometry and simulates emitted fire. The controls include behavior of the liquid ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Height Map Terrain Generator
Create terrain from black and white images. Simply feed a standard 8, 16 or 32 bit black and white height map and watch your mountains ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Point Cloud Volume
A CVEX volume procedural that generates volumes based on a point cloud file. Reads pscale and alpha attributes from file data and allows for randomizing ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Pyro Jet Exhaust
A jet exhaust effect powered by Houdini's Pyro FX 2. Adjustable fuel, sim resolution as well as component colors. Includes two separate exhaust streams and ... [more]
$ 0.00