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In addition, we also keep track of requests for assets and make them available to our community of authors. Here are some matching requests that you can vote for or comment on.
Asset Requests
Hello there :) I need exactly this Sun Asset done here like it is seen in the Tutorial. You may ask, why I just dont do it after the tutorial, the answer is, its incomplete. So anybody who is able to make such a sun asset with large sun erruptions should please contact me asap. We will discuss the pricing and creation time frame accordingly to the client needs. Thanks a lot for your time dudes, iam looking forward to hear from you soon. Cheers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExUbAuK0B-s&t=4s
A tool to automate render settings in Mantra with lots of presets for different scenario: effets, interior, exterior, texture with lots of details, motion blur, preview render etc.
Need a pair of "Tank Wheels" for free, to be used for rover-alike model.
Camera rig that simulates motion and movement to real film cameras to get similar cinematic and dynamic shots
an autorig for the typical issues encountered in a bird rig asset, flexible enough to cover hummingbirds and ostriches. Slots for manually modeled flight feathers, IK/FK head and neck with manully determined number of control points, wing open/close poses that can be then tweaked so that they fit in pose.
A useful Orbolt tool would be a utility that eases the import/export of sculpting data from a standalone application like ZBrush or Mudbox. It could transfer the base subdivision mesh and automate the process of aligning texture and displacement maps. https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=33778
Volume deformation tools, hope for faster volume deformation, such as RBF,Deform the trailing smoke onto the motion path