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Asset Requests
Hello Friends I am looking for Super Sweep node. Its not visible in the assets menu. Please help
Upgrade Houdini file from non commercial file to commercial version.. I guess very clear what it is supposed to do isn it? Yes, its a really a pity, why isn it notpossible or you have to use so much tricks? And what about people who start using a non commercial version and whoare switching after? Such time lost indeed... Looking forward your suggestion and opinion, cheers bout.de.lune@gmail.com
How do I convert hipnc to hiplc?
What happened to CityGen? Would like something like that created again, more advanced but as it was, it was a quick and dirty way to check shading.
Rain that can be set from light rain to torrential rain. Thrown in light with random (to simulate lightning) for good measure.
It is very common to see many TDs trying to optimize their collision meshes. Most people and new users tends to use only the Shelf tools to make collision geo, but in most cases the default settings are not enough either the SDF wont have enough res or wont cover the geo etc, Then we go the VDB way convert to VDB add the fields, connect it to the solver etc. Change the Volume to -1 all the other stuff. What I am suggesting is to have a Tool that outputs an accurate representation of the Collision Geometry that would work on whatever solver is requesting it. With easy way to visualize it.
Toolset for 1) creating virtual HDR Lightsetups similar to the Hdrlightstudio and 2) a smart asset for an HDR workflow, like SPI "localized HDR Lighting" (which is the extraction of very light areas of an HDR Image including the possibilty to position these extracted area lights localized in 3D scene) A smart asset solution could enhance and add to the classical HDR workflow.