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Asset Requests
Hello there :) I need exactly this Sun Asset done here like it is seen in the Tutorial. You may ask, why I just dont do it after the tutorial, the answer is, its incomplete. So anybody who is able to make such a sun asset with large sun erruptions should please contact me asap. We will discuss the pricing and creation time frame accordingly to the client needs. Thanks a lot for your time dudes, iam looking forward to hear from you soon. Cheers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExUbAuK0B-s&t=4s
An asset that would allow morphing between multiple geometry that have velocities/direction controlled by a particle system or spring node. Allowing something like paper or ash to morph into birds. Not easy I'm sure.
Rain that can be set from light rain to torrential rain. Thrown in light with random (to simulate lightning) for good measure.
Hello everyone, I recently started using Houdini for a test, how can I connect the edges between segments that I created through Voronoi fracture? I want to get something similar to what Akira Saito is doing, generating a hard surface, but without any unnecessary settings for me . Just connect the edges, it is better with 1 segment in the middle but it can be without. Here is the model now: https://ibb.co/9V94xPf This is how the model should look like: https://ibb.co/GRNwBZg https://ibb.co/j6kgwqX Thanks in advance for the answers
Hello hello, I'm a houdini newbie trying to recreate a fluid dynamic called Rayleigh-Benard Convection where in a fluid container there is a temperature gradient between the top and bottom layers. This gradient produces a flow that creates these beautiful cells to form that I want to render. References below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh%E2%80%93B%C3%A9nard_convection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM0l2YPVMf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=v2vMXmuC818 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-yXOEsDivs Any help or direction to go in with Houdini would be wonderful! Will pay for a working asset!